From July 5th to July 7th, 2024, the 85th Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the United States of America was held at Annunciation Cathedral in Olmsted Falls, Ohio. Priests and delegates from Romanian Orthodox parishes in the U.S. began arriving on Thursday evening, during which time the Eparchial Council meeting and joint dinner were held at the church.
In keeping with the tradition of the Archdiocese since its founding, the work of the Congress began with the Divine Liturgy followed by a Te-deum service to open the proceedings and a Panikhida for the hierarchs, priests and deacons who have passed away.
After lunch, the opening prayer and attendance was taken. His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae, Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the United States of America and Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, welcomed all the priests and delegates from all corners of the United States, and mentioned that for the first time in the history of our Archdiocese and Metropolia, we have representatives from four Latin American parishes present: The Romanian Orthodox Mission of St. John the Wallachian of Barranquilla, Colombia, the Romanian Orthodox Mission of St. Joseph the New of Partoș, Quito, Ecuador, the parish of St. Silouan the Athonite of Concepción, Chile and the parish of Holy Emperors Constantine and Helen of Caracas, Venezuela.
Following the Hierarch's word and approval of the agenda, the following committees were nominated and approved: the Congress Secretariat, the Credentials and Validation Committee, and the Nominating Committee. The minutes of the 2022 Archdiocesan Congress held at the Holy Trinity Parish in Troy, MI were then read and approved.
Metropolitan Nicolae then presented a rich and well-documented report of pastoral missionary activity for the past two years. With two continents in his pastoral care, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae has labored "with time and with-out time" in all areas of pastoral-missionary, catechetical, editorial, social-philanthropic and charitable activities, all compiled in an impressive and detailed report.
An important part of the Congress of 2024 were the conferences held in connection with the Homage Yearestablished by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The year 2024 has been established as the Homage Year of the Pastoral Care of the Sick and the Commemorative Year of All Unmercenary Saints. Fr. Bogdan Cojoleancă, from St. Gregory the Theologian Romanian Orthodox Parish in Greenville, SC, presented the conference, "Pastoral care of Sick Children" a vision springing from his own experience in taking care of children with special needs and beyond. Prezbytera Andaluzia Mureșan then presented the religious education program "Let the children come to me", a new model of religious education based on the Montessori style of education.
Before dinner, several activity reports were presented on the first day of the Congress: the report of the Education Department, presented by Mirela Manga, the report of the Publications Department, presented by Fr. Vasile Mureșan and the report of the Youth Organization (ROYA), presented by Serafima Sirca.
The first day of the Archdiocesan Congress ended with a meeting of the priests with His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae, where missionary and administrative matters were discussed.
The second day of the Congress, Saturday, July 6, 2024, was opened with a presentation by Fr. Paul Jannakos (Chancellor of the Midwest Diocese of the OCA) titled: Orthodox Spirituality and Healing from Addiction. Immediately after the presentation, those present divided into working groups and discussed the presentations coming up with their own conclusions and questions, highlighting the essential role of the Church in healing various addictions in people's behavior.
After the financial reports, the plenary of the Congress voted on the new budget proposal and some changes that were proposed by the finance committee.
Fr. Daniel Ene then introduced, one by one, those representing the four Latin American parishes under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas. Each community introduced themselves with a short video and then the delegates took turns to speak. Each one expressed their joy and great satisfaction in their souls, appreciating the love and help they received from His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae and Fr. Daniel Ene. All four of these parishes were paired with one of the parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the USA and officially received the pairing document.
Then followed another session of reports, namely, Mrs. Alina Stan presented the activity report of the Ladies Organization - AROLA, Fr. Calin Barbolovici presented the activity report of the Ohio and Center USA Deanery, Fr. Daniel Ene presented the activity report of the Deanery of New York, New England and Eastern USA and Fr. Mihai Bălan presented the activity report of the Western USA Deanery. On this occasion, a new territorial organization was proposed by adding a new Southern Deanery that will include several parishes in the South and Southeast area of the USA.
Metropolitan Nicolae then appointed Fr. Dean Daniel Ene, Administrative Vicar of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the USA and Fr. Stefan Dragoi as Diocesan Secretary. The Nominating Committee then came up with the following proposals: the Rev. Daniel Ene, Dean of the Diocese of New York, New England and Eastern-New York, Fr. Călin Barbolovici, Dean of the Diocese of Ohio and Central USA, Fr. Teodor Alin Gîrloanța, Dean of the Diocese of Western USA, Fr. Iulian Aniței, Dean of the Southern USA Diocese, Fr. Petru Neaga, President of the Eparchial Consistory and Fr. Nicolae Clempuș, President of the Metropolitan Consistory. The proposal from the Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia to host the 86th Archdiocesan Congress in 2026 was then accepted.
Thanking all those present for their participation and involvement, in his closing remarks, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae wished those present a safe journey home and asked them to take the well wishes in their parishes and to present the decisions taken at the Congress to the parish councils and parishioners. Thanks were extended to the host parish and the community of Annunciation Church in Olmsted Falls, Ohio, Fr. Petru Neaga and the Parish Council for the good organization and hosting of the Congress. The Vespers service concluded the second day of the Archdiocesan Congress.
The 85th Congress of the Archdiocese concluded on Sunday, July 7, 2024, with the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae with all the priests and deacons present at the Congress. In his homily, Metropolitan Nicolae mentioned the groups of Romanian and American saints honored on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost:
"We can say that the saints are the Romanian or American friends of Christ who pray for each one of us, for we all receive at baptism the name of a patron saint. It is fitting that we pray to all the Romanian and American saints, from St. Andrew to St. John Jacob, from St. Herman to St. Mardarije, to continue to pray for us and to enlighten us on the way of salvation. The Troparion of the Romanian saints says very beautifully: "The Word of God has sprung up on Romanian soil and the ancient Church has been adorned with saints". The mystery of our sanctification on this earth is the spreading of the word in our souls, a spreading which we then share with our fellow human beings. This has been the mystery of Christianity for two thousand years: God reveals Himself, God sends His Spirit; we must cultivate this revelation and share it with others, and thus we will be on the path of holiness."
The Divine Liturgy was also attended by His Excellency Mr. Andrei Muraru, Ambassador of Romania to the USA, who addressed a word to the participants of the Congress.
His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae congratulated the servants and faithful of the Annunciation Cathedral for the 88th anniversary of existence and uninterrupted activity in this part of the American continent. Fr. Petru Neaga and Fr. Ioan Gherman officially received the American Metropolitan Cross.
Fr. Nicolae Clempuș