On September 22-23 this year, the Deanery Assembly for the Central USA was held at Holy Protection Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas. Priests and faithful delegates from seven parishes participated. After the opening prayer, the assembly was convened, the secretariat was elected, and the welcome addresses were given by Metropolitan Nicolae, Father Dean Calin Barbolovici, and Father Iulian Anitei, host of the event. Reports from the parishes followed. Here were presented the achievements, pastoral issues, and future projects of each parish. After this, Father Iulian Anitei gave a presentation: "The phenomenon of ‘ageing’ of the population,” which is a pastoral and missionary challenge in the life of the Church: what forms of pastoral care of the elderly have been used in the history of the Church, including old people's homes, care centers, hospitals, etc.
The AROLA and ROYA reports followed. The first day's meeting ended with a dialogue between the priests and their Hierarch.
The next day, after the Akathist hymn, Deacon Alexander Lazarus from the Cathedral of Saints Constantine and Helen in Chicago gave a presentation on the theme: "The Triad of God's Love through Word and Music: St. Romanus the Melodist, St. Andrew of Crete, and Macarius the Hieromonk." The two presentations reflected the commemorative themes proposed by the Romanian Patriarchate for the year 2023. This was followed by a report on religious education. Father Florin Craioveanu from St. John the Theologian Greek Church in Webster, Texas, presented a paper on the Stewardship Program: principles and implementation.
The meeting ended with the viewing of a video documentary on the painting of the National Cathedral: Daniel Codrescu - time and effort, the mosaic art. Then, the election of the deanery consistory, and the choice of the date and place of the next assembly: Ss Constantine and Helen Cathedral of Chicago, September 26-27, 2025.
The priests and delegates returned to their parishes on the me day to be with their faithful the following day for the Holy and Divine Liturgy. His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae stayed to be with the faithful of the parish of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God on the next day, Sunday.
In the evening, at sunset, His Eminence the Metropolitan, together with Father Iulian Anitei, served Vespers. At the end of the evening service, Metropolitan Nicolae offered a profitable word to the faithful present. His Eminence spoke about the Saints that the Orthodox Church celebrated on Sunday, September 24: St. Silouan the Athonite, St. Juvenaly of Alaska, and St. Peter the Aleut.
Saint Silouan is an example of an ascetic who received from God the gift of humility and foresight. Although he had not had advanced academic training, yet by the grace of God he was wise, spiritually guiding many pilgrims who crossed his threshold and sought his word. The other two Holy Martyrs, the first a Russian descendant and the other an Alaskan native, gave their lives for the Orthodox faith. Through their sacrifice, they became the first martyrs in North America.
On the following day, His Eminence celebrated the Holy and Divine Liturgy, together with Father Iulian Anitei and Father John Catau from St. Simeon Parish in Detroit.
In his teaching address, His Eminence spoke about the meaning of the Gospel reading which presented the episode of the miraculous catch of fish. The Savior Christ preached to the people from Simon's boat, to be heard by the people, but also to prepare the Apostles to become fishers of men. The Apostle Peter, although a skilled fisherman who had toiled all night without catching anything, listening to the words of the Savior, cast his net again. To his amazement, the net was full of plenty of fish, so many that he needed help from the other fishermen to prevent his net from breaking. Faith and humility made Peter, like the other fishermen called, leave everything behind and follow the Savior Christ. The boat from which the Savior spoke represents the synagogue and the fishermen the Jewish priests. The night work represents the work of the Old Testament. No work was complete until the coming of the Savior Christ. Christ, the Risen One, the Light of the world, has changed everything. The fishnet represents the Gospel. In the depths of the water, the Word of the Gospel grips not only the Jews but all those around them. Thus, the boat is no longer the synagogue but the Church. The fishermen become Disciples and Apostles; the deep signifies the earth with its multitudes of people conquered by the power of the Incarnate Word.
From this Gospel reading, we learn that nothing is impossible if we have faith, humility, and zeal. Faith without humility turns into fanaticism. Humility without zeal becomes mere passivity, and zeal without humility leads to pride. Salvation is obtained by cultivating and living these three virtues: Faith in God the Father, Humility of God the Son, and the Zeal of God the Holy Spirit. Today's Gospel calls us and teaches us to cultivate the mystery of these three virtues.
After the service, the ladies of Holy Protection offered an agape meal for all those who attended.
Fr. Julian Anitei