With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop and Metropolitan Nicolae, on November 5-15, 2021, at the Nativity of the Mother of God in Austin and St. John Cassian in San Antonio, Texas Missions, several spiritual evenings took place under the guidance of V. Rev. Fr. Professor Daniel Buda, PhD, Dean of the Andrei Șaguna Faculty of Theology from Sibiu.
It has become a tradition that at the beginning of Lent, in the Texas Missions, spiritual evenings of catechesis and pastoral mission are conducted for the guidance, strengthening and edification of the faithful. An additional reason for the arrival of V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Buda (Professor of Universal Church History) was the marker of the Year 2021, declared by the Romanian Patriarchate, The Solemn Year of the Pastoral Care of Romanians Abroad.
The missionary visit began on Saturday, November 6, at the Nativity of the Mother of God Mission in Austin with the service of the Holy Unction, followed by the catechesis “FACES OF ROMANIAN SAINTS WHO HAVE BEEN PERFECTED AWAY FROM THEIR BIRTHPLACE.” Sunday, November 7, continued with the Divine Liturgy and the sermon at the Gospel’s lesson “THE RESURRECTION OF JAIRUS’S DAUGHTER.” After the Divine Liturgy, Father Dean held the catechesis entitled “YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE CHURCH IN THE ERA OF THE INTERNET,” with the faithful enjoying the interaction resulting in questions and answers.
On November 8, at the celebration of the Synaxis of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Father Daniel attended the service at Kendalia Monastery (one of the 18 monasteries founded by Father Ephrem of Arizona) for their patronal feast.
At the Saint John Cassian Mission in San Antonio, the missionary visit began on Saturday, November 13 with the service of the Holy Unction and continued with the catechesis “THE DIASPORA OF ROMANIANS FROM TRANSYLVANIA IN THE TIME OF METROPOLITAN ANDREI ȘAGUNA.”
On Sunday, November 14, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated, and the sermon was preached at Gospel’s lesson “THE PARABLE OF THE MERCIFUL SAMARITAN.” After the Divine Liturgy, the faithful present were encouraged to capitalize on the time of this life through the catechesis “CONFESSION AND THE EUCHARIST - AUTHENTIC LIFE IN ORTHODOXY.” After this catechesis, Father Dean answered the questions of the faithful. Sunday continued with a fraternal agape, a means of a fundraiser ($ 3100) for the Children’s Home with special needs in Turnu Roșu - Sibiu.
After these days of spiritual encouragement, it is appropriate to give glory to the Lord for all the gifts, to thank His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae for his care, and to convey to V. Rev. Father Professor Daniel Buda thoughts of gratitude and appreciation.
Written by,
Rev. Fr. Valentin Ilieș