The Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the United States of America announces the following schedule for the three Deanery Assemblies for the Fall of 2021.
September 24-25 – Deanery Assembly for Central USA at the Annunciation Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, Olmsted Falls, OH.
October 15-16 – Deanery Assembly for Eastern USA at Saint Parascheva Romanian Orthodox Church, Wakefield, MA.
November 12-13 – Deanery Assembly for Western USA at the Elevation of the Holy Cross Romanian Orthodox Church, Upland, CA.
On the agenda for the Assemblies there will be themes related to the "Solemn Year of the Pastoral Care of Romanians Abroad and the Commemorative Year for those who fell asleep in the Lord; the liturgical and cultural role of cemeteries," online meeting with a Romanian Orthodox Bishop from the diaspora, reports, and presentations regarding the pastoral and missionary activities of the parishes, reports of the Departments of the Archdiocese (ROYA - Youth Organization, AROLA - Ladies' Organization, Department for Religious Education).
According to the Statutes of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, the Deanery Assembly is comprised of the following: priest, first chanter, parish council president, director of religious education, the president of the Ladies' Auxiliary, and two (2) delegated laymen from each parish of the Deanery.